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  • WMTS Board

February Update

Dear Member, 

Following feedback, we are keeping our website up to date with news of what the board is doing for you as the membership of WMTS. Hopefully this will keep you in the loop on a more regular basis and allow you to raise anything that you may wish to be discussed at a board meeting or provide other feedback. 


Our February meeting was varied with agenda items covering a new Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy, discussion around the need for a formal risk register, our current set up with sub-committees and exciting news on our upcoming production(s). We welcomed Andy Gallanders as a new Trustee, having been co-opted to a vacancy following calls for expressions of interest in our Christmas newsletter. We are however still looking to fill three positions, so do let us know if you’re interested in getting involved and we can send more information about the role and the process for applying. 

Finally, if anyone is in the market for a large supply of glassware, do let us know, as our former bar glass stock is taking up valuable storage space! 


Watch this page for updates from our next meeting on March 14th, to include the date for our AGM and social.

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